Recycling Sewer Heat and Making Vancouver The World's Greenest City

Recycling Sewer Heat and Making Vancouver The World's Greenest City

Let's go to Vancouver, where Josh speaks with former Mayor Gregor Robertson, elected on a platform to make Vancouver the greenest city on the planet. Over three terms, Gregor's administration spearheaded many sustainability initiatives, including North America's largest sewer heat recovery system, which has provided zero-emissions heat and hot water to 6,000+ apartments in the False Creek neighborhood since 2010, when Vancouver hosted the Olympics. We also speak with Lynn Mueller, the inventor of that system and the founder of SHARC Energy. 

Mayor Robertson also shares perspectives on his current role as the special envoy representing 13,000 cities in UN global climate negotiations to elevate cities' priorities in concert with the Global Covenant for Mayors on Climate and Energy.

Show Links:
Guests: Gregor Robertson and Lynn Mueller
Company: SHARC Energy
Organization: Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
Initiative: Sewer Heat Recovery System Vancouver's False Creek Neighborhood

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